MISSION - Disseminating Traditional Islam from its Authentic Sources for the Contemporary American Muslim.
VISION - Masjid Furqaan Hayward was formed under traditionally trained Islamic scholars, born and raised in the United States and first-generation Muslim Americans to preserve the authentic tradition in adherence to the straight path ( الصراط المستقيم ) of our pious predecessors ( السلف الصالحين).
APPROACH – Deriving principles from first generation Muslims and the two following generations (خیر القرون) after the demise of Rasūlullah ﷺ. Embracing and seamlessly facilitating the Prophetic Mission, categorized into:
- learning & educating تعلیم وتعلم
- spiritual purification تزكية النفس
- outreach & propagation دعوة
- social services الخدمات الاجتماعية
- Embracing all of humanity regardless of race, class, and nationality and creating an Ummah.
- Working under the guidance of the ‘Ulāmā’ (Heirs of Rasūlullah ﷺ) whose chain of transmission and authentic scholarship traces back to Rasūlullah ﷺ
The following Religious Advisory Board & Committee appointed by the Board of Al-Furqaan Foundation advises and administers the programs/activities at Masjid Furqaan Hayward.