Shaykh Ahmad Sadiq Mehtar

Shaykh Ahmad Sadiq Mehtar

Supervisory Chair

Shaykh Ahmad Sadiq Mehtar حفظہ الله is amongst the most senior ‘Ulāmā’ living in the U.S. Born and raised in South
Africa, Shaykh completed Hifdh of the Quran in his hometown of Durban, under the supervision of his father. After
Hifdh, he enrolled at Dār al-‛Ulūm Nadwatul ‛Ulamā’, Lucknow, where he directly studied and benefited from
world renowned scholars like Shaykh ‘Abū al-Hasan ‘Alī Nadwī and Mawlānā Muhammad Manzūr Nu‛mānī رحمهم
While studying at Nadwatul ‛Ulamā’, he performed his very first Haj with his father. This Haj was the beginning of
his spiritual journey, he became inclined towards self-reformation and was introduced to Tazkiya upon meeting the
two renowned scholars of their times, the great Da’ee & author of Hayātus Sahābah, Mawlānā Muhammad Yūsuf
Kandhelwi, and Muhaddith al-‘Asr Mawlānā Muhammad Zakariya Kandhelwi رحمهم الله .
The outstanding oratory of Mawlānā Muhammad Yūsuf greatly influenced him, and he got the opportunity to
accompany him in his travels. Mawlānā Muhammad Yūsuf also showed special affection towards him and took him
along in some of his tours. During his holidays, he spent time with Mawlānā Muhammad Yūsuf and the month of
Ramadan in Saharanpur with Shaikh al-Hadīth Mawlānā Muhammad Zakariya. Great luminaries would spend their
Ramadan with Shaikh Zakariya like Mawlānā In’amul Hasan Kāndhelvī, Muftī Mahmūd al-Hasan of Deoband and
Shaikh Yūnus Jaunpūrī رحمهم الله .
Although Shaykh Sādiq Mehtar benefited from a long list of great luminaries, but he completed his education and
training under the tutelage of the great scholar and master of spirituality, Mawlānā Masīhullah Khan of Jalālabād. He
enrolled at his famous institution Miftah al-Ulūm, Jalālabād. and finished his final years of the Dars Nizāmi
curriculum which concludes with in-depth study of Hadith of the Sihāh al-Sittah, six authentic books of Hadith. He
then stayed for another year at the institution for further training and spiritual reformation. He was granted Ijāzah in
the ‘Ulūm of Tazkiya by Mawlānā Masīhullah Khan ر ح before his discipleship. Shaykh Sādiq Mehtar was attached
with his teacher and mentor, to this day he recollects his style of speech, scholarship, humility and piety, which he
has also embraced.
After returning to South Africa, he served the community in various roles. He was an active member of the Jamiat
al-Ulama South Africa, taught at various Madaris and guided local South African disciples of Mawlānā Masīhullah
Khan ر ح . In 1984, he visited Southern California to lead Tarawīh in the month of Ramadān. The local community
requested his religious and spiritual services and after consulting with his teacher and mentor, the Shaykh
permanently settled in California. The Shaykh is now retired and lives with his family in Orange County. He
regularly mentors and guides young ‘Ulāmā and other students of knowledge and is supervisory chair of Masjid
Furqaan Hayward.

© Copyright Masjid Furqaan Hayward 2024. All Rights Reserved. Masjid Furqaan Hayward is a division of Al-Furqaan Foundation, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit dawah organization based in Illinois, founded in 2003. The Foundation does not accept conditional donations. The Foundation reserves the right to allocate, preserve, grow, invest, and loan any funds donated to the Foundation for any of the Foundation’s charitable purposes.

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