Shaykh Dr Khalid Siddiqi

Shaykh Dr Khalid Siddiqi

Religious Director

Shaykh Dr. Muhammad Khalid Siddiqi is one of the most senior scholars living in the US. Born in Hyderabad, India, his upbringing was done in a pious and scholarly family. His father, a renowned ‘alīm, Mawlānā Muhammad Mas’ūd Siddiqi رح was the disciple of Muḥaddith al-ʿAṣr Mawlānā Khalīl Ahmed Saharanpūrī رح and his pious mother, a disciple of Hakīm al-Ummah Mawlānā Ashraf Ali Thanvi رح .

He completed his Hifdh and primary Islamic education at the famous Institution founded by Mawlānā Shah Abrarul Haq رح  in Hardoi, India. Not only was he the student but was directly mentored by Hadrat Shah sahib. To pursue higher Islamic education, he enrolled at the infamous seminary of Nadwat-ul-‘Ulama, Lucknow India studying under world-renowned scholars, Mawlānā Abul Hasan ‘Ali Nadwi رح and Mawlānā Manzūr Nu’mānī رح finishing his seven year traditional ʿālimiyyah course in just four years.

Upon the advice of his father, he went to study at al-Azhar University, Egypt on a scholarship, specializing in exegesis of the Holy Quran Takhaṣṣuṣ fī al-Tafsīr. Finally, he completed his PhD on the exegesis of the Holy Quran at the University of London, UK.

For nearly four decades, The Shaykh has been serving the Muslim community in the UK and US in various capacities. He has designed courses to teach Muslims and non-Muslims living in the West about the fundamentals of Islam and the Arabic language. Currently he is semi-retired living in Hayward, CA with his family, while teaching part-time at Ohlone College, Fremont CA. He coordinates and leads the Islamic Shariah Council of California, a council of Imams and Islamic scholars of Northern California and serves as the religious director of Masjid Furqaan Hayward.

© Copyright Masjid Furqaan Hayward 2024. All Rights Reserved. Masjid Furqaan Hayward is a division of Al-Furqaan Foundation, a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit dawah organization based in Illinois, founded in 2003. The Foundation does not accept conditional donations. The Foundation reserves the right to allocate, preserve, grow, invest, and loan any funds donated to the Foundation for any of the Foundation’s charitable purposes.

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